Every clock has a story and every watch has a story. February 6th will be our second edition of Show and Tell. This is a great opportunity to bring your favorite timepiece and tell us about it. You don't need a fancy presentation. No video. No PowerPoint. No soundtrack. Just bring your clock or watch and tell us its story. It you don't know much about it, that's OK. Just tell us why you like it. Everybody learns something new and has a great time.
Authors Needed
If you knowledge to share on watch or clock repair, collecting, or history and have an interest in writing, please let me know. We are still looking of contributors to the blog. The blog can be a great way for us to share knowledge with the public and attract new members. If a you are not familiar with the chapter blog, check it our a dixiechapter.blogspot.com.
Annual Gil Shumaker Horological Quiz
The Annual Gil Shumaker Horological Quiz was a lot of fun of all. Though I promised that it would not be a brutal as some of the quizzes from past years, some would beg to differ. In any case, everybody learned something new and in some cases, something useful. First place was achieved by Jan Pekal. Congratulations, Jan!
Tip of the Month
Do not walk across the room carrying a pocket watch in your hand. If you stumble or drop it, the shock will damage your watch. Assuming the watch is not beyond repair, you can end up with an expensive bill from the watchmaker. Put the watch in your pocket or in a protective case before transporting anywhere.
Credit for this watch wisdom goes to Gene Greenwood
Quiz of the Month
Which one of the following people was never a member of the NAWCC?
- Michael Jackson
- Richard Nixon
- Dalai Lama
- Alice Cooper
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