In case you have not yet heard, we lost a leader and a friend when Carl Quackenbush passed in August of this year. He touched many lives in a positive way and his absence has left a hole that is difficult to fill. The most important thing we can do is remember Wanita and his family in our thoughts and prayers.
As for the November meeting, we are in need of a topic and presenter. Carl Barton graciously offered to fill the need but will be having surgery shortly before the meeting and will now have to postpone his presentation on Railway Watches. If you have an idea for a topic, please consider making a presentation on it. If you feel that you don't know the material well enough, I guarantee you that there is no way better to learn the material than to make a presentation on it. Just pick something that interests you and give me a call at 931-922-2345 or email me at
Also, the December meeting will include another horological trivia quiz made famous by Gil Shumaker. Please send me your favorite horological question (and answer) and increase your odds of winning the quiz. Who couldn't use a little extra Christmas money?